Jackdaw Hovel
Not quite a ramshackle but in need of repair our latest model kit depicts a crudely built hovel whilst maintaining the precision our kits a renowned for. Jackdaw Hovel is a fictitious name but like all of our kits to date, Jackdaw Hovel is based on a structure from the real world. Our scale example is based on a hovel that once sat close to Racecourse colliery in the heart of the Midlands where, I'm sure many a miner benefitted from the warmth of an open fire. Coincidentally such a fireplace is reproduced in miniature along with other delightful detail inside and out.
Jackdaw Hovel will be sold in kit form, providing as much enjoyment in assembly as admiring the finished piece. Two variations of the 2 mm deep base will be be offered, the contoured shown on the left and one providing a three mm close boarder around the building.
The technical stuff
Scale 00 (1:76)
Material MDF and Laser board
Dimensions Height: 44.2 mm
Width: 46.2 mm
Height: 49.4 mm to the apex
On sale mid to late August.